08 September 2005

plaid and paisley

last night it was chilly in my apt, so when i went to bed i decided to wear something warmer than shorts and a t-shirt. what i came up with was this sort of paisley flannel long sleeve pajama shirt that my grandma made for my dad umptee-ump years ago, which he passed on to me cause he couldn't wear it anymore...and some flannel plaid pajama pants. silly. even though it didn't match, it was so comfy. i would wear it out in public, i think, if needed. or even not.

i have not been blogging lately. this stems from my desire NOT to be at work every night. you see i don't have a computer at home which means that i can't just jump on and blog whenever i feel like it. even hard to do it during the down times at work, i mean, to come up with something so brilliant as i'm apt to write...takes a little time.

last night i contacted a few people, namely internet 'friends' which is weird cause i don't know them, but, i let people know a bunch of us from my work were going out to dollar drink night (i don't drink but it's fun to hang out and watch the silliness). anyhow, it's not that crowded but we're sitting outside on the deck just enjoying the cold night air and lack of people. then, i feel someone walk up behind me and put their hands on my waist. i think - is this someone i know? i look, and NO, it's some random guy who was just trying to make his way by. i feel, however, that there was really NO need for him to hold my waist while he did so.

thankfully that guy left, and filling his spot soon after were these other 2 guys. and i'm looking at them and thinking...i wonder if this is the guy from the internet. you see internet photos are a funny thing, they can be deceiving. i may look like a cutie from all you've seen so far, but in reality i'm a brow-furrowing burly angry rugby player. ha ha. the guy in the corner looks over, there's recognition, and he says sort of loudly while leaning, "hi i'm sean!" and i think "huh i didn't remember that being his name but OK" since it's the internet you can be whomever you want to be. he's sitting with someone i don't recognize, but there was a lull in the conversation at my table so i went over to chat.

sean and his friend, whose name i think is mike or matt, are from memphis tennessee. we talked about all kinds of things: rugby, what we do for livings, hurricane katrina, living in california, life, the future, families, etc. matt has a wife and a daughter, and mentions something at some point about sean's girlfriend. according to his website he is single but who knows these days right. no more talk of this stuff, however. we talk about what someone could do to make us really angry, about drinking, not drinking, parties, the 3rd friend of theirs from memphis who isn't there cause he's really busy with work and herbal remedies (hmm) and getting ready to move to canada to be with HIS girlfriend.

anyhow we have a lovely evening just chatting - matt says i'm one of the most task oriented people he's ever met. all my co-workers bail, and eventually sean and matt are freezing (me too, only i'm wearing a t-shirt and they have long sleeves) so we walk out to the sidewalk, i realize their car is in the opposite direction from where i'm going, and we all agree we had a nice time, it was nice meeting, we should hang out again sometime soon (matt has to trade off with his wife on going out cause someone has to stay home with child). we hugged goodnight and went our separate ways. i can only wonder what they had to say about me.

and as i walked home i had this nice feeling. like these were 2 of the most real people i've met in town since i've been living here. but then reality set in about 2 minutes later, where i had to tell myself i probably wouldn't be hearing from them again. just like everyone else i've met in this area. so then i have to wonder, why do they sustain hanging out with me ALL NIGHT if i give off this impression that they don't really want to spend any more time with me, they were just faking it or they're too busy for a new friend? i don't get it. i have more rants about men and how they ask for my phone number and then NEVER CALL (ps don't bother, i don't need the flattery or the game playing) but i wanted to just write about how last night was so nice. *sigh*

tomorrow i'm off to yosemite with my rugby girls. it is going to ROCK. i'm bringing the camera and the tripod. hoping to get some killer shots while i'm there. i'll let you know!

peace, y'all. hugs all around!


Paul Murphy said...

I guess you should just enjoy the night for what it was; a few people relating to each other.

Enjoy Yosemite. I would love to go there some day. Can't wait to see your photos from it.

kristen said...

i did enjoy the night for that exact reason. the question is, WHEN do i get to meet the people where i get to enjoy another night with them??