11 October 2007

and then...poof!

(not much time to write right now, nor will there be any time soon, so here's the update.)
time has been slip, slip, slipping away, in the best of possible ways of course, but it seemed that i had all the free time in the world, which all of a sudden was reduced to hardly any free time at all. i went from biking everywhere to living out of my car. and from a leisurely lifestyle with my only commitment being soup kitchen on wednesdays at lunchtime and hanging out with the cats in the garden, to on the go, busy busy busy all the time. alternate titles for this post included "where does the time go" or "and then there was none", and so forth.

i started playing rugby for the oregon state university womens rugby club, collectively known as the black plague, although when i asked what they say when they cheer at games, they said "go beavs" which is the oregon state university mascot (the osu beavers)(at least it isn't the oregon ducks. what's so tough about a duck?) we practice 3 nights a week. back to back practices, not all that fun, i have to say.

i got a new job! i have been working at the oregon state university vegetable research farm for the past 2 weeks, on hazelnut breeding research. this namely means i have been crawling around on my hands and knees, collecting hazelnuts that have fallen to the ground and putting them in a bucket. however, my inquisitive nature makes me ask a lot of questions, and so i've learned a lot more about hazelnuts than probably the rest of my co-workers.

yesterday was my birthday! it was a beautiful, gorgeous, just about perfect day (we ate lunch during the torrential downpour) and the sunset was really peaceful. some people even remembered my birthday with cards and/or emails and/or phone calls. so far, 30 isn't so bad.

the next few weeks include some exciting adventures, which i'm sure everyone is looking forward to hearing about. all in good time, all in good time...