31 August 2005

envy is green like gumby

there is actually a lot on my mind apparently today (i took notes). but first i have to run home, take a quick shower to get the poison oak oil off my skin, then run over to rugby practice (hooray - it's finally starting) and then i can come back here and catch you up on all the latest and greatest rolling arounds in my cute compartment of grey matter. hold onto your seats...i'll be back soon.

ok i'm back. it's not 9:18pm west coast time. let's see how long this takes me.

today at work i brought a piece of paper with me to write down all the things i wanted to do or thoughts i had or things that happened to me. see if you can make sense of any of it.

dead deer smells REAL BAD. almost stepped on a lizard, oops!

what ever happened to lauren hill?

does all miso soup taste fishy?

my biggest insecurity is my legs. i ENVY people with slender, shapely legs. even muscular legs. i of course do nothing to work on mine in the off season from rugby, but i look at them and think...ugh. i see other people (especially young asian women) and i think "i wish i had their legs." but then, i remember i play a sport where small isn't always what's needed. and the nice thing about rugby is that women of all shapes and sizes come together and accept each other. which i love. and then i also remember that i am lucky to have this as the thing that is my biggest insecurity. i could have some grave illness or some other malformation. i should consider myself lucky.

i'm pretty much over summer. this morning by 9am it was already BLAZING hot here in california. i was hot and sweaty the ENTIRE day at work and it was very uncomfortable. actually what has ruined me is working in air conditioning too much. if i was outside in the heat every day i would be fine. reminds me of my days back in iowa...working in the ag fields...sweating...but anyway, fall and winter can come any time now. i'm ready for my feet to be cold and to have to wear long sleeves again!

anyone know of any good jobs out there? what do i want to do with my life? does anyone know what they want? how do they know? serious consideration to moving to someplace tropical and living there 6 months to a year, just hang out, work, and figure some things out.

i have a whole issue with men who ask for my phone number and then don't call but i'll save that for another time.

i should go to the eye doctor

bring WD40 to the field next time for weather stations

i should buy the 'love, actually' soundtrack. it has to have good songs on it.

"how sweet it is to be loved by you" "god only knows what i'd be without you"

cds i want to check out: franz ferdinand / the killers / modest mouse / rolling stone / van halen / pink floyd / josh kelley / natasha bettingfield...does anyone have any suggestions?

finally: 'if you're driving with your knee to get a better grip on your air guitar, you're listening to the right station!' ps. it was a GREAT radio day, i ended up with the lab car that doesn't have a tape deck/cd player, so i had to rely on the radio, and it DID NOT LET ME DOWN!

ok, 9:27pm. pretty good.

i was just looking over my blog, and dang, there's some good photos on here. three cheers for me!

29 August 2005

another night at the office

well, it's after 11pm, still at the lab/office. although i did have 1/2 sandwich leftover from lunch a little while ago so i'm not starving to death (yet) also i think i have some popcorn i could go pop. anyhow, i haven't had time to post any minnesota canoeing photos...till now! if you want to see the whole album you can email me and i'll send you a link. otherwise, here are a few of the best (imho)

26 August 2005

ready for action

it's friday!

i stayed up till 430am last night messing with files and photos and whatnot on the computer. what was i thinking? i woke up at 1030am this morning to a phone call about work. guess i should get up huh.

i just found out the 80's cover band i was going to go see in sacramento is sold out. BUMMER! well i'm sure we'll find something equally entertaining/exhausting to really wipe me out for the weekend.

many people i know are going to the state fair this week. are you? i probably won't, i have so much to catch up on at home, and i need some sleep.

i almost got run over by a bicycle in the park this morning.

currently listening to ryan adams "gold"

question of the day: if you were going to get dumped, what's the best thing the dumper could say to you when they were saying "this isn't working out"? and by best i mean least painful.

25 August 2005

random thoughts

current favorite foods:
homemade guacamole / pistachio or macadamia nuts / whatever we ate camping while in the boundary waters!

books i've read in the last 5 years (15):
  • tony hillerman: coyote waits, the fallen man, a thief of time
  • john irving: the cider house rules, a prayer for owen meany, the 158 pound marriage
  • kurt vonnegut: sirens of titan, cats cradle
  • rebecca wells: little altars everywhere, divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood
  • dennis lehane: mystic river
  • toni morrison: the bluest eye
  • david james duncan: the brothers k
  • barbara kingsolver: the poisonwood bible
  • ken kesey: one flew over the cuckoo's nest (still in progress)
**i'm open to suggestions on what to read next...please comment!**

states i've YET to visit (12):
alabama / alaska / arkansas / hawaii / kansas / michigan / mississippi / missouri / new mexico / oklahoma / tennessee / washington

24 August 2005

i'm back but i'm exhausted

there are people who claim they have busy lives. i just got back from probably 4-5 back to back to back trips out of town...and now i'm here at the xomputer for a brief synopsis.

had a super long day at work today...started at 730 driving in from the city (SF) back to davis, rapidly changing clothes in a tizzy, throwing down a cookie, rice milk, and some crackers for breakfast, then mad dash to work to pick up the necessary items for the field work, then to sonoma county for a full day of checking and sampling leaves...driving back from the field work late (but no traffic!) hit up the fruit market for some avocados (so good), then home, change clothes, shower, eat, make promised phone calls, read alumni magazine, then back to work to process samples collected today. then download photos from trip, update blog, avoid cockroaches crawling up my legs at the lab late night...i'm so tired i could hit the table right now and pass out (but the cockroaches would cover me and that's just gross). but i have a dentist appt at 8am so no time for sleeping right now, there's work to still be done...

15 August 2005

stopping by, just for one day

this past weekend i went camping at big basin state park in boulder creek california. since i'm off to the boundary waters of minnesota for a week or so, i figured i'd leave you with the highlights. can't wait to get back and post more photos.
the fire in the hall of fire and the view from atop buzzards roost

a cool mushroom i saw along the way and the trail down to the falls

me on the train, *after* the spaghetti sauce incident...and me on some rock :)

12 August 2005

time time ticking

the time just keeps slipping away over here. tonight i was taking some photos of a friend of mine, she's a belly dancer and is starting up a website to promote herself. i'm not the worlds best photographer mind you (she seems to think so?) but i gave it a try. the light was good for awhile and some of the photos are mega-cool. and, she made me dinner of fresh spinach salad and some fresh bread with tomato, fresh mozarrella, basil, olive oil, and vinegar. YUM.

anyhow, on top of that, i'm trying to get ready for a trip to big basin state park this weekend, along with planning out my 7 day trip to minnesota next week, along with trying to get a mailing out for the reunion i'm planning this november. oh yeah, did i mention laundry? eating? sleeping?

last night i was sitting up, waiting for some laundry to finish, fell asleep in my chair around ... 3am maybe...woke up with a sore neck (no idea what time) put the laundry in for more drying time, back to my living room and fell asleep on the floor with the lights on. woke up suddenly at 7am, brought the laundry back to my apt, went up to my room and went to sleep till 830. i was exhausted at work today. just trying to keep myself in one piece till friday night when i get on the train and head out of town...i'm thinking nap time.

me at sunset after taking about a zillion photos of shannon (and no, i'm not pasted into the photo, i was actually there)

10 August 2005

something i saw

ok i'm not generally afraid of snakes, and this one is pretty small, but i was just walking along in the woods and as i was about to STEP on it, i realized HOLY CRAP THAT'S A SNAKE and i leaped over it, of course disrupting it and making it move away but not too far. so then i thought i'd get a little closer to take a photo. but i got too close and he started rattling / rustling up the leaves by his tail. that was scary enough for me, i jumped back and ran. my heart hasn't raced like that in awhile!!!

after a little research, i've decided it is either a coastal rubber boa or a western yellow bellied racer. i of course didn't see it's underside so i can't know for sure. *whew*

09 August 2005

what i do

people often ask what i do. well, here's me, leaving work for the day. singing "the hills are alive, with the sound of music" (literally - and i'm not just saying that for you will!)

falling into place

ok my life may be in shambles (not really) but this reunion thing may be coming together. made some phone calls this morning and i think we may have a location! i'm so psyched.

ok, question for the day:

anyone been to a reunion lately? tell me what you liked/didn't like/wished they had. planning these things is a lot of guessing!

08 August 2005

1246am why am i here

well i just drove back from seeing "brigadoon" in los altos CA. it was great, the lead character was super handsome and had a great voice, i would have fallen for him in the woods as well! now i'm very tired after the 1:40 drive back, but whatever, it was fun. tomorrow (today!) is back to the grindstone, put the pedal to the metal, let's get 'er done! next stop: bed!

oh yeah, the real reason i came in to check this in the middle of the night was to see what people had to say about my 100 factoids about me. perhaps people won't get through the first 5 and hey, that's OK! i never said i was interesting!!

and will, i would be honored to be your future ex-wife :D

05 August 2005

a few pictures for the curious

these are from my july 23-24th trip to yosemite national park.

images of mono lake in green filter and sepia filter

lembert dome from the bottom and from the top (i am on the left)

third blog of the day!

this could possibly be more information than i even know about myself (i stole the idea from someone else) (it only took me 4 days to complete this!)

here's 100 factoids about me.

basic biographical facts
1) i'm in the 2nd half of my 20s.
2) i have one younger brother.
3) i'm not married, but my parents still are (35 years!)
4) i have no children (that i know of!)
5) i was born in Connecticut, and have lived in 4 states (NY, IA, MN, CA) in the last 10 years
6) i am not sure what i want to be when i grow up.

the physical gumby
7) i'm 5'10" tall with shoes on
8) my nose and ears are proportionate to my face
9) i have brown hair that keeps getting lighter...some might say whiter...i like to think of it as white highlights, which are apparently hard to do at a beauty salon
10) i have good vision, hearing, smell, and taste senses
11) i'm only allergic to animals when i pet them and then rub my eyes (transferring the hair or dander i guess)
12) on my left foot my third toe is the longest toe. on my right foot the 2nd toe is the longest.
13) my jaw pops out of place due to clenching in my sleep, and it makes noise if i eat too soon after waking up

gumby's brain
14) i went to public schools and i turned out ok!
15) in fourth grade i was sent to a different school than half of my friends. it was the same year i broke my left arm.
16) in fifth grade i got mononucleosis (not from kissing though) and missed about 36 days of school in one trimester. somehow they still passed me. although i think there are some things i just never learned about.
17) thankfully some of the stuff i learned from books in college actually help me in my current job. i'm more thankful for the professors and friendships i made, however.
18) i never dropped a college class. and i never skipped class to do something fun.
19) we got our first computer at home in the 80's. i learned to type slowly then, and by 9th grade i was a typing whiz, thanks mrs. jones (my typing teacher)!
20) my knowledge of geography is decent but not stellar (i.e. i know the americas, europe, australia, antarctica, and parts of africa and asia very well)

21) my first job was either working with my mom at YWCA nursery school or working as a counselor-in-training at YWCA summer camp.
22) i'm not sure if i've had my favorite job yet, although being a teacher/mentor for an integrated science class right after i graduated from college was pretty fun.
23) i've never worked from home.
24) i like my job, have a hard time with some of the people and the drama. currently i spend most of my time tromping in the woods
25) i have worn one of those all white tyvek suits and boots and sprayed chemicals on grass for hours while sweating profusely because those suits certainly don't breathe. this job also had me hoeing weeds in ag fields at least once a week, and picking fruit the other days. sweatastic!
26) i have seriously entertained the notion of giving up working and being a whitewater rafting guide. or maybe a nature guide in costa rica, living in the rainforest.

27) i took ballet and tap dance classes when i was 4-5 years old
28) i took ice skating lessons from 5-6 years old, and learned to ski around the same time.
29) i tried playing little league baseball and softball from 7-8 years old but i was more interested in doing cartwheels in the outfield. learned to play tennis somewhere around there too.
30) i played soccer for 7 years in elementary school and junior high.
31) high school sports included volleyball, indoor track, and tennis.
32) college sports included 2 years of NCAA D III volleyball and 2 years of NCAA DIII tennis.
33) i've now decided I really like RUGBY and sometimes ultimate frisbee, as well as many kinds of dancing (salsa, merengue, cha cha, samba, waltz, foxtrot, contra dance, irish jigging, hip hop, 2-step [just learned!], as well as booty shaking and just flailing around in general)

34) i'm more of a 'vote for the best candidate for the job' than a party line voter. and through the years i've learned that even though i was raised republican, not all republicans are the kind of people i want running my government.
35) i have now lived in 2 states where professional actors/wrestlers have been my governor
36) i just can't believe how ridiculous george w. bush is. why did we elect him again? who voted for him?
37) i think local politics have more effect on our daily lives than big party national politics.
38) my dad was the deputy mayor of our town for 6 years, and a councilman for 12
39) i often wonder how we're faring in the war on drugs.

random favorites
40) i can't choose a favorite color because i like too many. maybe indigo. forest green. maroon.
41) i don't have a favorite tv show because i don't have a tv
42) my favorite movies are the jerk, whale rider, american beauty, office space, napoleon dynamite, shawshank redemption
43) my favorite side to sleep on is my right
44) my favorite actor is either william h. macy, george clooney, morgan freeman, tim robbins, vince vaughn, or luke wilson
45) i'm new to blogging, so my favorite blogs are posted on my blog, which, if you're reading this, you can find the links to on the sidebar
46) my favorite sport to watch is rugby!!! (rugby guys are total studs)
47) my favorite sport to play is rugby!!! (in season, *i* am a total stud)
48) i don't drink beer so i don't have a favorite beer or other alcoholic beverage
49) my favorite drink is vanilla coke or grenadine and coke, especially if they're made just right

personal failures
50) i cannot watch a scary movie and not have nightmares
51) i still have recurring nightmares
52) i try repeatedly and still i'm not getting any faster at sprinting
53) i can't draw. except for what i call scientific art. or kindergarten art.
54) sometimes i lose my train of thought for no reason whatsoever
55) sometimes when people are talking i zone out when i should be listening intently
56) i don't own a computer at my home
57) i cannot hold a conversation with the television on. it's either the person or the box and the box somehow always wins my eyes even when i don't want it to.
58) i have issues with commitment, and i've broken more hearts than i care to admit, and if it feels how i feel when my heart gets broken, i'm not going to heaven for sure with all the pain i've caused
59) i have my bachelors degree and nothing else because i'm afraid of what i should be doing with my future and don't want to limit myself
60) i don't always do what i should be doing at work (does anyone?), and the boss finally called me on it, which made me feel like complete crap and i'm wondering if i'll ever be able to untarnish my image
61) i have a very hard time participating in conversations where it's more than just me and one other person. i can listen but feel uncomfortable joining in.

i'm good at a few things
62) i know how to spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
63) i used to know all the presidents of the united states in order (i have since lost that talent)
64) aside from breaking hearts, i also have a talent for making people feel good about themselves
65) i seem to be the only person who can teach my grandpa how to use his computer
66) children are naturally drawn to me. must be 'cause i'm so fun. animals, on the whole, are also drawn to me, even though i'm not afraid of them.
67) i really enjoy voluteer activities and look for them wherever i go. heavy lifting and weed pulling included.
68) i have worked on 7 habitat for humanity houses

69) i have eaten so many 'new' foods since i arrived in california, foods i never would have eaten before and i'm not sure why i never tried them. these new foods include: avocados/guacamole, cherries, nectarines, plums, pistachios, almonds, macadamia nuts, rice milk, chai tea (i know there are more, i'm just drawing a blank currently - to be updated as these details rise into my forebrain)
70) i really enjoy mexican food, probably because i didn't get much of it in my youth
71) corn is my favorite vegetable but most people don't think it's a vegatable. until high school i couldn't eat it on the cob due to bad teeth in the front.
72) chocolate is my safety food.
73) potatoes are my absolute favorite food in the whole world because they are so versatile!
74) i am in love with ny style pizza, garlic knots, buffalo wings, and soda. they consist of what i consider a perfect meal without vegetables.

75) i talk on the phone often when i am home because it is the only time i can communicate with my friends who live outside the state of california. so whether or not i like talking on the phone is irrelevant, i do it out of necessity to feel sane with people who are not fruits or nuts or all granola
76) "be the change you wish to see in the world" - m. gandhi
77) i don't read much, although i have been trying
78) i actually enjoy most foreign films and look forward to international film festivals
79) i don't have a tv because i think it rots peoples brains. plus i have enough to do without one, how do people ever get anything done with it on all the time? i'm very distractablewhen i'm not focused if that makes any sense...
80) i like making out more than i probably should

better left unsaid
81) i've only ever hit a guy in the face once for saying something completely unacceptable
82) mostly i get hit on by old men
83) i've been dragged into strip clubs twice in my life
84) i frequently get wedgies
85) i don't mind doing most house chores. except dishes.
86) i swear out loud only when i'm alone
87) i go to the bathroom with the door open when i'm home alone, and sometimes when i'm not

other ideas and potpurri
88) i try to carry around a notebook with me so when i have big ideas, or even little ideas, i can write them down so they don't go into the abyss
89) i am a veritable library of song lyrics
90) i think my friends would say i'm loyal, devoted, caring, genuine, sarcastic, funny, and real.
91) i never thought i would play rugby, nevermind actually like it
92) my hobbies include photography, jigsaw puzzles, journal writing, writing letters and making handmade paper, and currently, planning my high school reunion (which is also giving me nightmares).
93) my brother has physically abused me within the last 5 years.
94) my first kiss was at age 13. his name was steve. (oy!)
95) where i live now, it's easy to ride a bike or walk everywhere. the police in town think this gives them the right to continually chalk my tires and give me 5 day notices to move my car or get it towed
96) blogging is something i just kind of fell into, and so far, i like it - i have been blogging more than eating lately...
97) my car is getting older, and i'm afraid of buying a new one
98) my nicknames include falkon, captain, bert, brother sunshine, pokemon ali, and gumby
99) i've never owned a motorcycle, i've never done any drugs, and the last beer i had was when i was ~3 years old

100) i am not afraid to walk up to someone i don't know and start talking to them. you shouldn't be either. i have met up with 2 online people who i have never met before, just walking down the street. i went up to them and said hi, and i think it caught them off guard. i'm not sure what else i *should* say. but throw out that old idea that girls are shy and don't approach guys. cause you ain't seen nothing yet.

hey baby what's your sign?

this is supposedly my bad habit. do they know i don't even look good 1/2 the time. maybe more?

• Libras Love to Shop
Librans gave birth to the term "shopaholic". These folks have every credit card known to man. And while their taste is undeniably impeccable, it can get them in trouble at bankruptcy court. What's really at stake here is a quest for beauty. Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge.

bad habits by astrological sign

i did something right in high school

You Should Learn Spanish

For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication.
Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro!