27 February 2006

i love this, i need this

i needed something to cheer me up and this was just the thing. went to visit an old teammate of mine who lives on a ranch and they just had a litter of puppies. i have never seen anything so small or cute in my entire life.

a heads up to my fellow blog readers: as of tuesday evening, i will be unemployed. so i likely won't be blogging much due to my lack of computer at home. but please still write me. i need the positive encouragement. the last day and a half have been bad. i'm all emotional because of this job thing. if you come upon any job opportunities, let me know. i'll blog you soon.


Paul Murphy said...

Nice photos from the ranch. I hope things go really well for you with getting a job. Best of luck.

Scott said...

You still have my home address, right? You can always write via snail mail.
Like Paul said, best of luck!!
