06 February 2006

repeatedly crushed and maimed - hope you enjoy it!

today i spent the whole day at work cleaning out the shed. that's not entirely true. first i had lunch. then cleaned out the shed. and let me tell you, IT WAS GREAT. along with my 'feeling the same way about work' coworker, we took all the jugs, buckets, pvc pipe, boxes, tools, trinkets, junk, tape, bottles, maps, plastic sheeting, chicken wire, and whatever else was in the shed out of the shed, sorted it, chucked the stuff that we deemed un-useful at this point, and put it all back in so orderly, you wouldn't even know it was the same shed. i wish i took a before and after photo, but i didn't. you'll just have to take my word for it that you couldn't actually get anything out of there unless it was right on top or in the front.

in other news i'm still looking for a job.

in yet other news, i have been officially and intentionally forgotten about. and that hurts a lot.

in other, more happy news, i went to steep ravine this past weekend with my friend shelley, and it was a girls weekend (with 3 of her other friends) and it was MAGNIFICENT. wonderful time. i'm posting photos i'm so excited.


Paul Murphy said...

Hi Kristen. I haven't forgotten you, I do check your blog every day, but don't always comment!

Nice photos. Steep Ravine looks like a nice place for long walks. Best of luck with the job hunting. Hope things work out well for you.

Paul said...

Nice collection of photos!