03 December 2006

what's happening on my visit to CT

i haven't spent much time online due to the fact that my brother usually has the modem, and i'm generally busy trying to entertain my grandma, or rather get her ready for something or another - the bath lady comes tuesday and thursday at 9am, the physical therapist comes tuesdays and fridays around 10, and the visiting nurse comes sometime on friday. did i mention she has a hair appointment on thursdays as well? sometimes other doctors appointments at irregular intervals. getting grandma up and ready is not a quick job. it takes about an hour or more for her to go from pajamas to ready to leave the house. i won't bore you with all the details of her preparations.

anyhow, when i'm not doing that, i've been able to get out and do a few fun things. here are the highlights:

nov 23 - well, it was thanksgiving. we went to my aunt's house and visited with the local family members. and ate turkey!

nov 24 - contra dance at west hartford town hall, music by wild asparagus! i attended a dance camp in eugene oregon a few weeks before this dance, so when i saw the group they recognized me but didn't know from where till i told them. of course they recognized my contagious smile. i also spoke with the ukelele/piano player who grew up in the same town as my dad's family and some of my cousins. and she knew them! small world. this dance probably had over 100 people in attendance and was very very fun.

nov 25 - went to see casino royale with my dad and brother. the movie was my dad's choice, but our tradition is to go see a movie either on thanksgiving day or the day after. in this case it turned out to be 2 days later, and the theater was crowded but not packed. the movie was actually pretty good.

nov 26 - went hiking with dad in the early part of the day. the weather was great for hiking and the hike was a familiar local one for us. here's a few photos:

nov 26 - at night i attended a contra dance at the powder mill barn. this dance had about 20 people in attendance, and was one of the smaller contra dances i've ever been to. the crowd was good though, and most of the people there knew how to dance, so it didn't matter that the crowd was small; it meant i got to dance with the good dancers many times!

nov 27 - hung out with zachary, my childhood friend. we played some pool, cruised the mall, went to barnes and noble, and then hung out talking at mcdonalds for awhile (zack really wanted a large orange drink). (no i don't usually hang out at mcdonalds.)

nov 29 - hung out with sandi, a good friend of mine since junior high. we went to one of those places where you pick a ceramic piece to paint, then paint it however you want, and then they put it in the kiln and glaze it for you and you pick it up in a few days. then we went to dinner at this place called stellas. i think the last time i ate there was 16 years ago. pretty good though.

dec 1 - contra dance at south church in granby. this dance had only 9 people at it's peak, and generally no more than 6 or 7 at max. it's hard to do contra with only 3-4 couples, so the caller had to get creative and do some more traditional english dances. at least that's what i think they were. i didn't go with a partner (i haven't had one since i came home) so i ended up dancing with the caller of the dance, who turned out to be the best dancer there anyway.

dec 3 - hung out with susan, a friend from high school who was integral in helping me plan our 10 year high school reunion. she has 2 daughters now; one of them is just over 2, and the other one is about 2 weeks old! both the kids are SO cute and pretty good, and i got to hold the little one for a little while which was actually a great arm workout.

this weeks plans include picking up my ceramic piece at the studio, hanging out with anyone who wants to hang out with me, spending time with grandma, working on my christmas cards (and helping gram work on hers), rolling coins from everyone's collections around the house, and hopefully watching a few movies and sleeping in! hooray!

oh yeah i forgot, since my folks got netflix i've been watching whatever movies they get. here's the list of what i've seen so far (i know i saw another movie or two, but i simply can't remember right now):

the usual suspects
stand by me (first time i've ever seen this one)
pearl harbor (the new-ish one)
the matrix
the pianist (first time i've ever seen this one)

that's all for now, maybe if i get the modem later in the week i'll write more...


Will said...

Hey! Sounds like you're having a nice time. Stupid question: what's contra dancing?

kristen said...

i wrote a good long post about what contra dance is and the computer dumped it. i'm so mad.