30 August 2007

lunar eclipse

while i wasn't able to stay up all night - or rather, wasn't able to fully wake up every 1/2 hour from 2am-530am (even though i set an alarm clock), i did manage to get up a few times to snap some photos of the lunar eclipse, which occured on august 28th.

i believe it's the first lunar eclipse i've ever bothered to a. pay attention to, or b. take photos. i did use the opportunity to sleep outside in a mummy sleeping bag, which i've decided is just not a good fit for me unless it's freezing cold out. plus the cat was sleeping on my feet, which was fine except i didn't want to disturb his sleep as well as mine. :)

so although the set is a little incomplete, since my desire to stay in bed is greater than the desire to get up, here's what i have.

130am ------------------- 200am

215am ------------------- 230am

400am #1 ------------------ 400am #2
i had a little more trouble with the 400am ones, simply because there was so little light, i had to keep the shutter open significantly longer than the others, and my hand, even though the camera was on the tripod, just wasn't super still.

1 comment:

The Alabamycologist said...

Dang! Those are some shweet pix!