31 July 2009

in the nick of time

in trying to get at least one post per month, here's july.

it's been hot. really, really, REALLY hot here in oregon. the last week corvallis hit 100 at least 3 or 4 days in a row. and the house just didn't cool down a few nights, even with fan in window. when the heat finally broke and it was 85-90 degrees, it felt like heaven.

i have been working out. it feels good to do so. cardio kick is an OK class, strength training is enjoyable, cycle fit is easy on my knees but a sweaty workout, but step strength REALLY makes me sweat. when the kneecaps start sweating, you know you're working hard. all of the classes except the cycle class really work the core muscles too. so tuesdays and thursdays i've been getting 2x core workout. it's too bad the classes only go for 2 more weeks and i'll only be around one more week. i was just getting into it. now i guess i'll have to try to motivate myself. not as easy. maybe i can get someone to come to the gym with me? then again, maybe not.

am reading a few books lately:

on cd - snow falling on cedars by david guterson
there's a lot of detail and the author goes on and on and is outlining everyone who ever lived in the town's lives. i'm only on disc 3 and there's 10 i think. not sure if i will continue. but it's ok listening in the car on road trips.

in hardcover - robert fulghum's maybe, maybe not. i like the style because it's short stories. i like the fact that nothing is for certain. that we have struggles and have to deal with them and that we never know if we're doing it right or not. we just have to keep trying and working it out. and sometimes the right thing happens, and sometimes it doesn't.

in paperback - the relationship cure by john gottman
learning a little more about communicative styles and my own emotional heritage. turns out the issue i struggle with the most is love, both showing it and receiving it. who knew?

also in paperback - a walk in the woods by bill bryson
haven't started reading this one yet but it's on the horizon in my 'free' time to read out loud.

1 comment:

megan said...

I read snow falling on cedars...in book form it was pretty good. Hot and sweating sounds great right about now..is that rain I hear, again????