21 October 2012

triathlon club - week 3

monday 10/15 - spinning

since i was in portland in the morning, i wasn't able to make it to the 6am swim class.  i opted to try out the spinning workout instead.  kelly and alex attended with me, and we arrived and set up our bikes and got pedaling. 

i find that my seat is never really adjusted properly and i spend a good amount of time during the class making adjustments.  one day perhaps i'll find exactly the right settings, but at this time i still don't know them.

seat height - I
handle height - 4
seat depth - 4.5
base gear - 8

we spent some time warming up, just pedaling around 90 rpm at our base gear.

did three 3-minute intervals (pedal for 3 minutes, maybe 1 minute break), where we tried to keep around 100 rpm.  i think i started at gear 8 and worked up to gear 9 maybe by the third one.

then we did a 10-5-10 which is a 10 minute interval, 1 minute rest, 5 minute interval, 1 minute rest, 10 minute interval.  for the 10 minute we were supposed to be at 75% of our wattage from the 3 minute intervals.  i tried to keep it around 90 rpm and increased the gears to 9 or 10.  a few times i stood up just for fun, and when i did that i put the gears up to 14 so it wouldn't be as hard on my knees.

overall, i burned 351 kilocalories in just about 50 minutes.  go me!

tuesday 10/16 - zumba and weights

so laurie was supposed to meet me at the gym and we were going to go to BODYPUMP at noon.  turns out, there is no BODYPUMP at noon on tuesday, but maybe she didn't know that.  so when i got there and found out the options were yoga, zumba, or cycling.  i thought to myself, "what would laurie do?"  i decided since i'd done cycling the night before, that i would zumba.  plus, laurie likes zumba.  i didn't see her when i got there but thought she might be there anyway.  wrong.  she was nowhere.  so i went to zumba and stood in the front and showed off my white girl.  or maybe my old girl.  i don't have the smooth moves of the other girls, but i did my best.  at least i noticed people in the class that didn't have ultra skinny legs and/or weren't rail thin.  finally!  some real people in the classes.

around 6, kelly, alex and i met up to do some weight training, which had been the original plan for the day.  since we all rode our bikes to the gym, we didn't do any cardio but did do a little loosening up as we talked about what exercises we wanted to do.  we decided that since running and biking and swimming focus on legs A LOT, that we should do some arm/shoulder/back/ab exercises.  here's what i did:

upright row 10lb each hand 3x10
upright back extensions - 30
bent over row 20lb bar 3x10
lat pulldown 50lb 3x10
tricep kickbacks 10lb 3x10
fly (out to the side) 5lb each hand 3x10
bicep curls / deadlifts 20lb bar 3x10 / 3x5

abs - about 12 minutes:
bicycles - 30
penguins - 30
low cross legged crunches - 30
double leg lowering - 10
supermans - 30
plank - 1x30 sec
100's (in boat position) - 100
bridges (slow) - 30
alternating toe touches - 30
reach toes to the ceiling - 10
captains chair knee raises - 30

a pretty good workout.  hope i'm not too sore for swimming tomorrow.

wednesday 10/17 - swimming forgetting, nightmaring, finding and running

today was supposed to be a swimming and running day.  swimming first.

i woke up at 5:15 and ate my granola bar.  rested until 5:30, got my swimsuit on, gathered my things, then went looking for my ID card.  not in my pants.  not in my jacket.  oh crap, where could it be?  it is in the little pouch with my license and my key card for work.  did i leave it at the gym by accident?  no, because i went back to work after weights.  so it's either at work, at my house, or lost somewhere in between.  i scavenge all the things i used yesterday, go through all my clothes, dump out my backpack.  not there.  i look at the clock. it's now 5:55.  there is no way i will make it in time for swimming, and they wouldn't let me into the gym anyway with no photo id.  i decided to ride my bike the exact way that i walked home last night, looking along the route to see if it's still around somewhere on the ground.  since most people probably weren't scouring the streets between 11:30pm and 6am, and my guess is that most runners/walkers wouldn't pick it up, there's a good chance that it would have stayed where it was dropped.  if i dropped it.

i didn't remember reaching into my pockets at all last night while walking, and the bike ride to work proved it.  the pouch was nowhere to be found.  so, i decided to go home, figuring that i couldn't get into work until 8, at which time i would convince the people at the front desk to buzz me in and i'd go up to work and find it.  so, knowing this, i went back to sleep.  set an alarm for 7:30, ignored it.  heard my housemates talking and figured it was just before 9; kept sleeping.  then went into a dream that started off as a fundraiser, i believed, and there were lots of tall / famous basketball players there, along with others.  we watched a video or a talk / lecture, and then one of the basketball players went up to this asian woman who was married and basically dragged her upstairs to have his way with her.  i asked the husband what he thought of that, and he just lay face down on the floor looking shocked and dumbfounded, figuring there was nothing he could do.  i panicked, thinking, "oh my god, he'll come for me next!" so i ran out of there to go to my car.  which i thought i parked somewhere, but it wasn't there, then i remembered it was somewhere else, and when i got to it, the back wheels were REMOVED from the car, and the whole top of the car was stripped off and everything was taken out of the car.  i started to freak out, thinking, who could i call at this hour?  it's too early and brandy and danielle won't be at work yet.  then i think i had a split second where i realized it wasn't real and i woke up, suddenly.  looked at the clock, it was 9:30.  got up and got my things together (i had slept with all my clothes on) and found my housemate steve in the dining room.  he had lost his gym bag with climbing clothes in it, and also a large bottle of vinegar.  i found the vinegar, and after we went out to the garage, i found the gym bag.  2 for 2.  then i called danielle and she confirmed that my wallet/pouch was at work next to my computer, so i went to work confident that i hadn't lost everything (except my mind, a little bit).  when i went in the front door to explain to the desk people that i needed to be buzzed in, i think i opened my mouth and pointed up like i was going to say something, then paused, then the guy said, "you need to be buzzed in?"  maybe this is a common occurrence.

anyway having skipped swimming i was committed to making it to running.

running:  http://goo.gl/maps/sAuZe

got over there around  5:15 and put my stuff in my locker and remembered the key to my lock so i could open it after the run.  met up with the people, talked about where to run.  i confirmed where we were going and figured out where i could shortcut.  since we were going up witham hill, i knew i'd be slower than everyone, but i knew if they were going to run up and down the hill 2x or go on circle blvd or do some other addition, i could always just go down the hill and meet them back at dixon.   and i said as much to the coach who came back for me right as i was heading up the back side of the hill along the bike path.  he acknowledged my competence of knowledge of the area, and then took off with some other runners who were darting off into the woods on a trail i'd never been on.  didn't care to go on it either.  (when we started the running, i attempted to start off fast with the back of the pack, but i realized very quickly that was a poor strategy when i noticed my legs felt like lead weights again.)  i got up to witham hill drive, turned right, and headed downhill.  i crossed the street to get onto grant, and here come the fast guys - a pack of maybe 5-6 of them - and they pass me.  next to pass me, around the corner of grant and 29th are the coach and the other girl who went out running.  they say "nice work" and "good job" and give me the thumbs up.  we turn south on 29th and i can't tell for sure if that's the way the other guys went, they're too far ahead.  somewhere along 29th, before we get to harrison, here come the last 2 guys - the older guys that always run with us - and they tell me i'm doing a good job "sweetie" and i say thanks.  and they have to stop at harrison so i catch up to them, but then they take off again.  

it was good to be cheered on a little and good to not be SO far behind that i feel like i'll never catch up.  i think that's a good modification for me - make the distance shorter somehow.  i pushed myself from the MU to the fields, and i felt good though the tendons in my left ankle were sore as was the arch of my left foot.  when i got to the fields i did some ankle circles and stretching while the rest of the team did a length and back of 'build'.  then i joined and we did some butt kicks, some jogging backward, and jogging forward.  then we did side / slide step both sides, and grapevines both sides.  then they did some frankenstein walks and i did some more stretching, as my hamstrings were starting to seize up a little bit.  they also did another 1/2 length build here.  then we all jogged down to the far end of the field and did a few dynamic exercises.  

squat / reaches  x 15
lunges x 15  (the original exercise was to stand on one leg in a running position and lower your knee/foot backwards, keeping them in line.  this was hurting my knee so i did lunges instead)
stand against the fence and push with your leg 2 x 30sec each leg  (worked the hips.  i was shaking)
moving pushups x 10  (center, walk over to the left, pushup, walk over to the right, etc.)
side planks x 30sec
bridges with leg lift x 15 each leg

did a little personal stretching and my legs feel OK at this moment.  as i was walking back to the gym i realized, CRAP, i left my ID card in my locker!  but i had seen people walk in with a key to their locker and show it to the desk person and they let them in before.  thankfully, there wasn't a crowd when i went up to tell the nice girl that i had spaced out and locked my ID in my locker, but that i did have it and i had this key to open my locker.  she said, "no problem, thanks for telling me."  so i ran in, got my stuff (about 5 seconds) and came back out and waved my ID at her.  she smiled.  

what a day with the losing / finding / forgetting things!  oy!

summary:  4.3 miles, 46 minutes;  15 minutes of additional exercises.

thursday 10/18 - running  map:  http://goo.gl/maps/GxcCt

not many people met up for running today, probably because there wasn't an email.  but alex and i were there along with maybe 4 other guys.  they wanted to run brooklane (see day 1 of training) but i said that was farther than i wanted to go and didn't have a loop back, so how about we do midge cramer?  i figured they would go out to bald hill, do the loop, then come back.  i could turn back whenever i wanted and that way they'd see me if something happened.  instead they went out to the fairgrounds, south to hwy 34, bike path to sw 26th and back to campus.  

i realized right away that they started off faster than i could keep up with, so i resigned myself to my slow pace.  around 1/2 way out, my ankle started bothering me, so i stopped and did some ankle circles and tried to convince myself everything was fine.  the pain seemed to pass.  further along i noticed my knee was bothering me, so i started this plan of getting to landmarks and if it really hurt too much, i would stop and walk.  so i chose a telephone pole up ahead, or the next barn, or the cross road, or the next building.  each time i made it and each time i kept going.  i even picked up a little speed at the end of the run.  

back at dixon...after changing and going back outside i encountered alex who was talking with david.  i went outside and alex joined me, and as we went out to the street, the homecoming parade came by, so we stopped and watched.  i love anything that has to do with school spirit, so that was a really enjoyable way to end the day.

summary:  3.8 miles, 44 minutes, a few brief periods of walking/stretching, striving for landmarks

unrelated note:  i witnessed a man smoking on campus today on my way back from my run.  i noticed how grotesque it smelled.  i wanted to charge up to the man and say, "excuse me, did you know this is now a smoke free campus?"  i didn't, of course, because i'm a wimp and hate confrontation, and imagined him yelling at me that he needed it because some close relative just died and he got fired from his job so back off, ok?  but really, i wanted someone to tell him to knock it off.  not allowed here anymore, buddy!  take it elsewhere.

friday 10/19 - swimming

everything went according to plan this morning, except i somehow was running slightly late.  thankfully i got into the water at the same time as the guys so i guess i wasn't late.  today in the slow lane it was me, kyle, don, and a new guy whose name i've now forgotten.  turns out don (actually i thought he said his name was donald) is in FES with kelly.

our lane got a lot of attention from taz today.  he really wanted us to pay attention to the clock, versus just going whenever.  using the clock would allow us to rest more, and he thought that was a good thing for us, seeing as i spent most of the time being winded.

i once again started out too fast and was wiped by the end of my first 50.  i had to stop and catch my breath.  why is swimming so hard?  i focused a lot on mashing my head down into the water to make myself more aerodynamic.  

here are the tips jess and taz gave me the day i was filmed:
  • face straight down in the water.  look directly at the bottom of the pool.
  • pushing the upper half of the body into the water raises the legs
  • try to breathe tipping only 1/2 your face out of the water
  • kick from the hip, not from the knees
so i'd been trying to work on these things, but it was making me slow.

here are some other tips taz gave us today:
  • use your hips to twist your body; that's where the power comes from (think baseball)
  • twist your body so that the side of your body and armpit face the bottom of the pool - finger tip drag drill helps with this
  • pretend you are swimming in jello.  place your hand in the water and set it, and envision your body going past the arm without you having to use your arm to pull yourself past.
 trying to work on these tips made me even slower, though to be honest, i was still working on the first set of tips.  it is actually hard to remember to do everything with every stroke, so i guess i'll have to keep going in order to make the first set of tips second nature so i can get better at the rest of it.  but i did actually feel pretty good with the rotating my entire body vs just my shoulders. 

and here's the workout that i completed (well, mostly completed.  it was hard to remember exactly what i did because i had to keep stopping to rest and also, the others in my lane kept starting something new and i had to skip what i hadn't finished to join in whatever they were doing):

100 swim   
100 CU/4x4 by 25s   
100 swim   
100 fist/ftd by 25s             400
2 x 25 back/breast stroke   
2 x 25 every 5th stroke     100
1x150                                    150
2 x 25 back/breast stroke   
2 x 25 every 5th stroke     100
1x200                                   200
2 x 25 back/breast stroke   
2 x 25 every 5th stroke    100
1x150                                   150
2 x 25 back/breast stroke   
2 x 25 every 5th stroke    100

100 EZ                                 100
total distance                      1400

i struggled most with the breathing every 5th stroke.  i was able to do it for one 25, but the others i had to breath more like every 3 or 4.

i ate my home made breakfast burrito for breakfast after the workout.  it had 2 scrambled eggs, mozzarella cheese, 2 spoonfuls of black beans wrapped in a tortilla.  i was so hungry.  it was delicious.  i forgot the chocolate milk again, but ate the banana and yogurt later on when we arrived at our field site for work - somewhere west of eddyville.

saturday 10/20 - contra dance in bend  (caught up on some sleep on the way to bend)

sunday 10/21 - contra dance for sharon and corey's wedding  (caught up on some sleep on the way home from bend)

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