07 January 2010

life can be so...routine - part 1

routine is something i have a very hard time with.

it's something i aspire to.

and yet, i don't actually want to have one.

i've thought maybe having a routine would be good. it could keep me on track with going to exercise, going to dances, eating meals, getting up on time, remembering to do things.

at the same time, there are so many factors that play into each day, that it's hard to keep the schedule going without having to adjust it all the time.

maybe my routine IS just very random. one day it's steady, the next day it's chaos.

when i lived in MN, i had a good routine. wake up, put clothes on heater, eat breakfast, put warm clothes on, go out into the below zero temperature and wait for the bus. same time, every day (except when i moved, but it was similar, just a different bus and location).

maybe routine suggests that a person who has a routine job, where one must be there at a given time and leave at a certain time. maybe because i have a wacky flexible schedule, i am not subject to the confines of routine. yeah, maybe that's it.

i don't like rules, anyway.

1 comment:

Mike McLaren said...

Random routine. Sounds like a comfortable routine to me. (I think my random routine is routinely random.)