02 October 2006

just thinking deep thoughts

you only live once
and most opportunities
only present themselves once
take time to notice these moments
because they pass by all too quickly
and disappear unnoticed
if you let them

it is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. that's a quote from someone famous, i think.

looking back over my photos, i think of how lucky i've been to have experienced so many interesting places. and thankful, ever so thankful i've had my camera with me.

today we went out dilligently to do our jobs. except it was raining and didn't stop raining till mid afternoon. we left the fieldsite, freezing and shivering and basically just wet, after a short 4 hour work day. the rain that was supposed to pass did not, and left us wondering why we even got out of bed at all.

1 comment:

888 said...

Thank you, Kristen