19 October 2006

three days have passed

today was lazier than yesterday. yesterday actually turned out to be a very productive day.

after getting up at 5am and going back to sleep around 6am, i proceeded to nap on the couch with a cat behind my knees until 11am. then i got to work. in no particular order, i found some bacon in the fridge and fried it up, then set off the smoke alarm. i assessed the ripeness of some pears in the woodshed and brought in a few to cut and dry them; also brought in some firewood and got the woodstove going. rinsed out the truck box that had been storing apples for apple juice day, and got it situated to dry (at this time it began to rain).

in the kitchen, i emptied out a bunch of cabinets worth of glass mason jars, washed them all, and set them to dry to be put away tomorrow; washed the dehydrator racks that had some leftover fruit bits from the last person who’d used it. also took down all the jars of canned juices and jellies and jams and applesauce and whathaveyou and organized them in a more reasonable manner than they’d been put away. went into the garage and got the trash and recyclables ready to go out to the curb in the evening, and then found all the redeemable cans and bottles falling all over the floor so i picked them up and put them into boxes or bags or whatever else was around.

i went online and emailed some of my friends, especially those that had birthdays yesterday. i organized the cds that were by the cd player, rearranged the books in the bookshelf, dusted a few shelves. went to the grocery store and got some milk and a can of soup for lunch. made a few phone calls. sliced up the pears that i’d deemed ripe enough to dry, and put them in the dehydrator. eventually lay down with the cats to listen to my book on cd and fell asleep on the couch by the woodstove. woke up, let the cats out, went to bed.

today’s activities have been a lot less strenuous, although this morning when i got up from a morning of productive dreaming, i went to the back door to let the cats in and found myself a little dead mouse friend. a gift, i'm sure. now i'm not exactly sure what to do with it so it's still sitting out there on the stoop. i probably seem like an ungrateful person to whomever brought me this fine present.

i put a bunch of the clean jars away and realized that some of the ones i thought were clean are not clean, or are not dry. so i have to rewash / continue to wait for them to dry until i can finish up that job. the pears need to be checked around 3-4pm to see how they’re doing in the dehydrator. also on task is more dusting and putting some kind of wood oil on the furniture to make it look nice, as well as organizing my clothes and putting them away, and then figuring out what to do with my room and all my things.

a few observations:

bike riding around town is very easy. i probably should ride more often, since i'm basically spending my days in the house and not playing rugby or hiking and working every day is going to catch up with me soon, i just know it.

last night when i went to the grocery store, i found it without difficulty, and it isn't that far away. so convenient!

the cats love being outside. i love watching them hang out and protect the garden. however they also seem to enjoy sitting inside, by the fire, on my lap, or just generally lounging about.

i never thought of myself as either a cat or a dog person; when i was young we had a dog named missy and i thought she was pretty great. she passed away when i was 13 and we never had another pet at my family's house. when i lived in NY, the year after i graduated college, the house i lived in had 4 people (including me), a cat, and a puppy. the cat was aloof and spent most of her time either in the guy's bedroom or in her mom's room. she didn't seem to have time for me. maybe i didn't like her cause she used her claws and tried to bite me while playing. and the puppy basically belonged to the 4th roommate who was very busy with classes and didn't hang around much. all in all i haven't had pets since i was 13, so it's an interesting adventure having these 2 cats taking so kindly to me. i really like them, too.

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