05 April 2011

gearing up for montana, week 6

it's still spring. it's still raining. luckily it just sort of sprinkled for my run monday.

mon 4/4
run 2 miles
sprint intervals
jumping jacks / star jumps
(example: run, sprint, star jumps, run, sprint, jumping jacks, run...)

probably ran a little less than 2 miles because i got some awful cramping and had to walk it out. annoyed!

tues 4/5
total body conditioning class
10 min cardio on step

3x16 each: 8 slow, 8 quicker
squats (toes out, w/weights on legs)
bicep curl 10lb w/leg lift for inner thigh (alternating sides)
tricep dips
goal post arms, raise up above head palms in
goal post arms, rotate arms down, palms forward
shoulder press 10lb each hand on bench
table one arm one leg out hold, pulse

double leg lower sides
hold v legs up
bent knee to chest, other leg out

thurs 4/7

1 comment:

megan said...

huh. I tried to comment on this. What's in Montana? Good on you! My only exercise these days consists of walking from one lab to the other. You're inspirational!