08 August 2005

1246am why am i here

well i just drove back from seeing "brigadoon" in los altos CA. it was great, the lead character was super handsome and had a great voice, i would have fallen for him in the woods as well! now i'm very tired after the 1:40 drive back, but whatever, it was fun. tomorrow (today!) is back to the grindstone, put the pedal to the metal, let's get 'er done! next stop: bed!

oh yeah, the real reason i came in to check this in the middle of the night was to see what people had to say about my 100 factoids about me. perhaps people won't get through the first 5 and hey, that's OK! i never said i was interesting!!

and will, i would be honored to be your future ex-wife :D


Will said...

Get in line, babe, get in line (when I was younger maybe!)!

kristen said...

i had no idea you were such a hot commodity!

Mimi said...

In Will's blog pics. I'm the one in red and hubby is the one with the goatee. My kids are the little girl and the boy in green. Just in case you were wondering. lol by the way, would love to have you as a sister in law. lol