10 August 2005

something i saw

ok i'm not generally afraid of snakes, and this one is pretty small, but i was just walking along in the woods and as i was about to STEP on it, i realized HOLY CRAP THAT'S A SNAKE and i leaped over it, of course disrupting it and making it move away but not too far. so then i thought i'd get a little closer to take a photo. but i got too close and he started rattling / rustling up the leaves by his tail. that was scary enough for me, i jumped back and ran. my heart hasn't raced like that in awhile!!!

after a little research, i've decided it is either a coastal rubber boa or a western yellow bellied racer. i of course didn't see it's underside so i can't know for sure. *whew*


Mimi said...

You should have warned me there was a picture of a snake, even pictures scare the bejeepers out fo me. Yikes!!!!!

Will said...

I had to enlarge the picture so I could see it! I thought it was the big stick in the lower right. Anyway, that's just gross and if I came across one, you'd hear me screaming in CA! Yikes! Got a "snake bite kit"?

Paul Murphy said...

I really don't like snakes. I live in a bushland area on the edge of the city. There are plenty of snakes around so anytime I go bushwalking I bring a big stick and make plenty of noise.

Enjoy your weekend, mine are always busy.

kristen said...

i've only seen a few others in my tromping (thankfully) but this was one of the few that stuck around for me to look a little while...

no snake bite kit. i'm just winging it! for the record, the snake wasn't that fat. you know, common garter snake size/thickness. if it was fat like a boa constrictor you can imagine i would be still be running away.

mr. simplicity said...

I don't like snakes either. I once watch a video on how a snake swallow a big kangaroo. Man, that's gross!