23 December 2009

winter training, day 3

workout of the day for december 23

10 min cardio

20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 7 rounds each

alternating shoulder press (started with 10lb, reduced to 8 for last 3 rounds)
squats (no weights)
bicep curls (10lb)
jacknives (lift one leg up, roll upper body up with arms)
planks (forward only)
jc punches (using one of those jumprope type elastic bands. one leg out front stance.)

10 min cardio

stretching regimen included:
using a strap and 3x30 seconds of hamstring stretching on each leg
standing up, 3x30 seconds of quad stretching on each leg

note: this was by far the most challenging workout yet, but it did bring together the entire lifting community within the center at the time, since we were all working out to the sound of the same beeping, telling us when to start and stop. we cheered each other on and said, "just two more!"

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