29 December 2009

winter training, day 6

today i could REALLY feel the workout from yesterday in my calves. luckily, it was mostly an arm day so i didn't complain too much about my legs, figuring they'd feel better in a day or so.

workout of the day for december 29

10 min cardio

prone chest press 4x12 (10lb)
shoulder press 4x12 (10lb, switched to 8 after 2 rounds)
bent over row 4x12 (25lb)
bicep curl 4x12 (10lb)
tricep kickback 4x12 (10lb) (lean on bench, keep upper arm close to body, pivot at elbow)

planks 4x30 seconds
back extensions (supermans with no legs) x 30
penguin heel taps x 20 each side (lay on back with knees bent. use obliques to reach your heels. adjust distance as necessary)

10 min cardio

stretching regimen included:
using a strap and 3x30 seconds of hamstring stretching on each leg
standing up, 3x30 seconds of quad stretching on each leg

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