28 December 2009

winter training, day 5

we had a nice little break, with christmas falling on friday. we didn't work out for 3 full days, and it felt great to have such relief! of course we were ready to get back to it when monday came.

workout of the day for december 28

10 min cardio

kettle bell squats 4x12 - don't remember which weight i used.
yoga ball hamstring curls 4x12 (bridged up on ball, then rolled feet toward body and back)(for some reason this really hurt my calves more than working my hamstrings...)
weighted step ups 4x8 (10lb each hand)(couldn't do them as fast with weights. plus they added an extra step for me[total of 3 step blocks], just to keep things challenging)
reverse lunges 4x12
3 position calf raises 4x12 (straight legs, feet turned out, feet turned in)

superman hold 20 sec x 3

side plank 10 sec x 3
rollups x 25

10 min cardio

stretching regimen included:
using a strap and 3x30 seconds of hamstring stretching on each leg
standing up, 3x30 seconds of quad stretching on each leg

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